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It was quiet in the forest of baseline town, to quiet the only thing I could hear were the squeaks of the owls and the taco shell crunch of leaves under my feet, I could sense it, it was close. I suddenly heard the sharp screech of the mutant howler monkey, its footsteps rapidly growing louder as it sprinted for me, I heard it left then right then quiet, i didn’t move a muscle and it should have stayed that way but I turned around the Mutant monkey dived at me and i rolled, the monkey missed me by an inch, I got up and ran towards the magic lake that would take me back to the earth realm, the monkey was gaining on me, my legs were aching but i could see it! I could see the magic lake, I dived, everything seemed slow motion, the monkey swiped scratching my ankle but I slipped out of his ginormous hands and fell through the lake and landed back in my bed, I was safe… So i thought.

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Once upon a time there was an octopus, His name is Commodore drumplestack and it is his first day of school. His mother Edmonia flabsicus was dropping him off. They pulled up to the school in the toaster van. Another thing about Commodore drumplestack is that he has HippopotomonstrosesquiPPedaliophobia which is a fear of long words. he kissed his mum goodbye and walked into his class. As soon as he went in he wanted out, the professor was a huge twisted sausage, the children were growling purple crocodiles, everything looked difficult and he wanted out so he ran away, crying.


We walked toward the mysterious dark house in the deep wet forest it was grasped by the dark shadows pulling it into an abyss of mold and damp crumbling walls, so we thought. the rumors of the house sounded like that but after the three day hike into the forest it was beautiful, it was almost straight out of a children’s book, it was made of candy! Jessica and I ran inside eating slowly, I grabbed a light bulb smashed it and ate the candy inside, We stayed for days. now we roll our eyes when we hear the rumors.

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“So, what lies ahead of us?” Jeremiah said, looking towards the kingdom on the horizon I said “I do not know, but we shall let the the book guide us towards our destiny!” my army said there calls and prayers to the book as they set forth. We went forward with haste towards the attacking kingdom. We slashed our swords and worked our magic but we were losing, I had had enough of this, I ran through the kingdom until I found the king I walked up to him, he was shuddering with fear I sliced my dagger, killing him.

I headed to work, I was proud to be wearing this uniform. It was my first day at the cadburys factory. I was greeted by the sweet sweet smell of chocolate I walked through the testing area i saw many things chocolate planes, chocolate guns, and the best of all the XXL chocolate cream egg, there were three men climbing it testing it, it was truly amazing. I walked through to my area, suddenly the smell was replaced with lavender i walked through the door and climbed up to the glass table i muttered to myself “I am the boss”

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“You have powers!” Jono said, as soon as it came through my ears I was completely frozen I tried to speak but all that came out was a mix of a grunt and a moan “hahaha try it out!” jono said happily”what do i do?” i asked jono still shook from his epiphany earlier i knew it was true but i couldn’t really get my head around it I thought of a wall that only i could walk through and suddenly a brick wall appeared right infront of me my jaw was grazing the floor then i walked right through.  

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I was only two my mother didn’t see me I  was ran over, I was rushed to tho hospital I could see the guilt on my mums face I was crying , that’s how i lost my right leg. I’m now fifteen and have never not come last. That’s why i’m always last but today is different alwayslasst is an organisation where people like me can do what we love most race, the gun shot seems like heavy metal I speed up on my crutches I win the race, I see my family smiling at me “YES!” I yell to everyone.

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Back when I was young enough to invent and trust in my own Boy Scout knot, I tied a tape-recorder to a turtle’s shell and set it free. The first hard rain must’ve broken the flimmsy thing, but I like to pretend it recorded the rain without breaking. This way, if the turtle ever returned, I could listen to the silent sounds teeter throughout the hum of the forest Maybe I’d hear my voice as a child telling him not to go too far. Or maybe I’d only hear him passing through the tall grass and, very slowly, going too faar.